Academic Integrity
The academic integrity policy in Math 132 is based on the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Integrity Policy.

In cases where there is evidence suggesting that cheating may have taken place on a Math 132 exam or quiz, or in a lab report (such as copying or falsifying data), the evidence will be forwarded to the Academic Integrity Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences for adjudication.  Both the instructor and the student(s) involved will be asked to appear before the Committee to answer questions.

If the Committee finds that cheating occurred, it will impose a penalty. Students should be aware that the normal policy of the Committee is to direct the instructor to assign a failing grade for the course to each student deemed guilty of exam cheating.

Using a calculator (in situations where no calculators are allowed) or using a calculator with a built in Computer Algebra System (CAS) on any quiz/exam will be considered an academic integrity violation.