Calculators for Math Courses

Calculator policies may vary from class to class.  Many math classes will not have a calculator as a course requirement. Some s
tudents in precalculus and calculus courses might find a graphing calculator handy--for example, when doing homework--but usually that's just a matter of personal taste. 

For exams and quizzes, instructors might not allow calculators at all, or the calculators allowed might simply be (cheap) simple scientific calculators that allow you to evaluate expressions like sin(0.1) or log(.73) as decimals.  

Statistics courses taught by the mathematics department (such as courses Math 2200 or Math 3200) usually require a calculator with certain built-in statistical functions (these are not always included on a calculator, even the rather "high-end" ones). Currently, the needed funcations do appear on the TI-83, TI-84 and TI-89 series.

Therefore: you should probably wait until classes start to find out whether a calculator is important or allowed in the course you'll be taking. 

If you already have a calculator, it's probably not a bad idea to be sure you bring along the manual for it (just in case!).

A word of caution: do not become overly dependent on your calculator.  A calculator can be a very useful tool to simplify long and
tedious arithmetic calculations, but you should be able to do the basic computations and manipulations required in most math courses with just pencil and paper. 

Examples: you are too dependent on your calculator if
  • You use a calculator when you need to know sin (pi/6) or tan(pi/3) or ln ( e ^ ( -3.9)  ).
  • You consistently use a calculator to get answers in calculations such as 4/7 + 3/8, which can be easily done by hand.  Finding (approximate) decimal answers instead of exact fractions in relatively simple problems generally means that a student uses the calculator too much.
  • You don't know the general features and "shape"  of simple graphs like y = (x-1)^2, y = cos(2x) + 1,  y = 2^(-x), etc. without having your calculator graph them.
  • You find yourself immediately punching buttons on the calculator as soon as you get started on a test. Few, if any, problems on most math exams are intended to require a calculator. 

Information for TI-83 use in calculus

If you have a question, please contact Professor Blake Thornton:

E-mail:   blake "at"

Phone:   (314 )935-6301