Resources for Help with Math 128
I assume that you're regularly attending lectures and discussion sections, and working hard at the homework and recommended exercises.  Nothing here is intended as a substitute for that.

You should also take advantage of my office hours, listed on the first page of the syllabus. 

Your TA should be available soon for help at scheduled times during the week . Your TA should tell you what times he or she will be there. You may also get help from other TA's as well.  A schedule of times when TA's are available will appear  on the Syllabus as soon as it's available.

Some old exams and solutions from previous semesters are posted on the web by the department.  Some old exams have also been posted by the library.    Copies of some of these exams should also be available to view or copy at the Reserve Desk 
in Olin Library.

You should stop in at new learning center, called Cornerstone in Gregg Hall on the South 40 and be aware of what resources are there.

On Sunday through Thursday evenings, they will run a Calculus Help Desk from 7-9PM. An undergraduate consultant will be there for questions about stumbling blocks in homework.

Cornerstone is also where Student Educational Services (SES) has its headquarters. Services provided include course workshops, individual and group tutoring,  academic counseling, study/test-taking skills, reading skills, and time management. To access these services, students should go to, or contact, the SES Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and meet with the SES staff. The SES office maintains a roster of qualified tutors for various courses. Our course number is new but a tutor qualified for Math 121 or Math 131 would be qualified for this course.  Many students find that working with a study group which meets regularly is a very effective way to study. SES helps organize such groups. They will, if you wish,
assign a mentor -- a knowledgable student to help the group out. If you are interested in joining a group contact SES early in the semester.
All services, accessed through SES, are offered free of charge to all students.  A simple registration procedure is required.