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Last updated on 3/24/2015

Math Art: Projection of a 4-Dimensional Regular Polytope

Visit Professor Ivan Horozov's office to view his 1.5 x 1.5 meters projection of a 4-dimensional regular polytope in 3D, using a ZomeTool Creator kit. The sculpture took three months to complete. It is made of 120 dodecahedrons. "The rotational symmetry group G is an extension of A5 x A5 by C2," comments Horozov who admits to having had dreams of this geometric structure since he was a child.

Ivan Horozov presented the sculpture for KETC Channel 9.1 in January 2015. The feature filmed at the WUSTL Department of Mathematics with Jim Kirchherr for Science Matters first aired on February 4, 2015 at 10:00 p.m. View the video at http://video.ketc.org/video/2365419242/⇨

Professor Horozov also talked about his work and the book by David Hilbert and Stephan Cohn-Vossen on Geometry and the Imagination with WUSTL public affairs. Read The Newsroom article and watch the video What Does the Fourth Dimension Look Like? at https://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/four-dimensional-polytope.aspx⇨

Horozov plans on keeping the sculpture in his office until the first exam preparation session in Spring 2015. "There will not be enough space for the students and this" he says, pointing at his creation. Be sure to visit Professor Horozov's office before then. "It is worth it!" agrees Professor Ari Stern definitively.

See a follow up story on Facebook by Zometool https://www.facebook.com/thezometool?fref=nf⇨

Enjoyed this story?  See also the December 2014 News stories Math Art: Periodic Table of the Finite Elements⇨

— Math news, stories, videos, and interviews by Marie C. Taris, http://www.math.wustl.edu/marietaris/math.html⇨

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