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Combinatorics Seminar - Major Oral: A Survey of Spectral Graph Theory with Emphasis on Graph Isomorphisms

Casey Boyett, Department of Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis

November 15, 2012 - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Location: Cupples I, Room 6 | Host: Prof. John Shareshian

Abstract: Given a graph G on n vertices there are many natural matrices associated with G. For each of these matrices questions can be asked about which properties of G can be obtained. A key question is whether or not the spectrum of a graph matrix uniquely determines that graph. In this talk we will look at a few common graph matrices and see some properties that can or cannot be determined, and in particular which graphs are determined by their respective spectra. Time permitting, I will discuss my current work looking at less common matrices with respect to the graph isomorphism problem.

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