Course Setup, step by step

  1. Go to Course Administration and choose 'Add course':

  2. Log into the course you just created.

  3. Add the appropriate code to the apache config file (httpd.conf). Something of the form:
    Alias /webwork2_course_files/Course_Name /opt/webwork2/courses/Course_Name/html
    (Make sure the corresponding buggy code is commented out in webwork.apache-config) You will have to restart apache for this to take effect.

  4. Add students to the course:
  5. Add the instructors and TA's to the class

  6. Make the template directory:

  7. Edit the course info files (this could be made easier in a later version)

  8. Copy the grade template file to:
    (Look at some old courses to see what a good file looks like here.)

  9. Add the instructors and TA's to the email list in course.conf. Add the line:
    $mail{feedbackRecipients} = ['', '', 'etc'];