Notes on managing WebWorK after the course has started

  1. Adding students to the course
    There are two steps to adding new students to a course once it has started: adding the students to the database, and building the problem sets.

    To add students, go to "Class List Editor" and choose to add students.

  2. Changing passwords
    To reset a you just have to Act as that student and change their password:

  3. Modifying open, due, answer dates
    To modify the dates for a homework set, just go to the homework editor and edit the homework set (assuming you want to change it for all the students).

    If you want to change these dates only for a few students, go to the Class list editor and click on the link in the column "Assigned sets." From there you can change these dates for individual students.

  4. Helping students with wrong answers
    Since each student is likely to have a different problem set (if you use random numbers in your problems), you may need to see the exact problem the student is working on. Go to Class list and click on the student to "Act As". You can then do problem sets as if you were the student. There should not be a button "Submit Answers" which is good-- you want the student to submit the answers.

    You can also click on the button "Show Past Answers" to see what the student was doing. (This is useful when the student tells the instructor, "But I did enter it correctly.")

  5. Dropping students from the course
    Go to the class list and just select to edit the student. Change their status to drop.

  6. Sending email to the class
    Just click on the email page. In previous versions of webwork, you could use variables such as $FN and $LN for firstname and lastname of the student.

  7. Viewing statistics
    Just click on the Statistics or Student progress page.
    This page is from Dartmouth WeBWorK