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Math 370, Spring 2010

Friday, May 14

Grades are posted.
Have a great summer, and I look forward to seeing many of you in the fall!

Sunday, May 9

1. I'll be in or around my office at least 12-3pm Monday and Tuesday, and could arrange to meet at other times.
2. The final will have a similar format to previous exams. Expect 5-7 problems, instead of 4. Expect an exponential generating function problem, and expect for the material since the last exam to comprise slightly more than half of the exam.
3. Homework 11 is graded, and homework 12 will (hopefully) be graded by tomorrow afternoon. Stop by my office to pick them up.

Wednesday, April 21

The handout from class today (with the subspace lattice of F22) is available here (in postscript format).

Monday, April 19

Noga Alon has an excellent survey paper on the use of probabilistic methods. The first two examples he covers are the LYM inequality and its corollary of Sperner's Theorem (which we will do over the next day or two), and the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem (from Friday).

I'll be late to my office hours on Tuesday, but I should be there by 1pm.

Thursday, March 25

1. Reinhard Diestel has made his excellent textbook on graph theory available for download online, if you're interested in more graph theory background.
2. Brady's office hours are now Thursday 1:30-2:30 in Lopata 323 and by appointment.

Wednesday, March 3

1. If you're interested in more about generating functions, Herbert Wilf has posted the 2nd edition of his book "generatingfunctionology", on his website.
2. The exam solutions are up.

Wednesday, February 17

Brady's solution to #53 on the returned homework is here.

A mock first-page of the exam will be up here tonight is also available.

Wednesday, January 27

Homework set 1 is posted at the homework section of the webpage.
Our grader is Brady Rocks, who is a graduate student interested in combinatorics. He'll be holding office hours every Monday 2:00 - 3:00 pm in 203 Cupples I.

Tuesday, January 19

Welcome to Math 370! The Syllabus and Schedule are linked at the left.

Last modified May 14, 2010