PLTL Study Groups, Spring 2017

Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) is a voluntary study group program that is offered for Calculus 131/132/233. You can sign-up to be considered for a spot using the online application All applications submitted during the following time period are guaranteed placement in a PLTL group:

5:00 pm CST on Monday, January 16 until 1:00 pm Friday, January 20

LATE applications MIGHT be accepted for another day or two after the deadline. This depends partly on how many available spaces remain in the groups. But placement into a group after the registration period above is not guaranteed.

More details and the application for are available at the Cornerstone PLTL Web Page.

A representative for the PLTL program will visit class for a short presentation sometime during the first week of classes.

Questions?  Contact 
the math PLTL coordinator, Lisa Kuehne

PLTL Worksheets for All Students

After the groups have started to meet, the PLTL Worksheets will be posted online in Blackboard for use by any students who are interested.