
Welcome to my website! This is a picture of me on Loch Mask, near Clonbur, Ireland.

I am married to Suzanne Langlois, one of the founders of Kaldi’s Coffee, and currently the interim CEO of Meds and Food for Kids. Here is an  Interview with Suzanne about her experience as an entrepreneur.

I am a mathematician, and work in the Mathematics and Statistics Department of Washington University in St. Louis.
My primary interests are Operator Theory, One and Several Complex variables, and their interaction.

I believe that pure mathematicians can bring a useful perspective to many areas of science,
and I like to interact with scientists who are open to this idea.
I am a faculty member in the Neuroscience Program of the DBBS.

Here is a link to my Curriculum Vitae.
Here is a link to my Google Scholar Profile.

Here is a link to my MathSciNet Reviews.

©2024 John E. McCarthy, Ph.D.