Instructor: Ari Stern
Office: Cupples I, 211B
Office Hours: TuThF 11am-12pm
Lectures will be held MWF 10-11am in Rudolph Hall 102. The first class will be on Monday, January 14, and the last will be on Friday, April 26. Class will be canceled for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Monday, January 21) and Spring Break (week of March 10-16).
Problem sets will be posted here weekly, on Wednesdays, and will be collected the following Wednesday at the beginning of class. You are encouraged to discuss the homework with your fellow students, and to collaborate on problems, but your final write-up must be your own. Please make sure that your solutions are written clearly and legibly. (Typing up solutions in LaTeX is encouraged, and is valuable practice for mathematical writing later in your career.)
Benjamin Passer ( is responsible for homework grades and solutions.
There was one in-class midterm exam, held on Friday, March 8.
The real analysis qualifying exam (which takes the place of a final exam) is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, from 10am-1pm, in Cupples I, 199. The qualifying exam will be cumulative, covering material from both semesters of Math 5051-5052.
Grades will be based on a weighted average of homework (40%, lowest two scores dropped), midterm exam (20%), and qualifying exam (40%).
The required textbook for this course is Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications, by Gerald B. Folland (second edition, Wiley, 1999). This book has more than a few typographical errors, so it's a good idea to check the list of errata on Folland's homepage.
I plan to cover the following topics from Folland: