Course: Math 407,
Introduction to Differential Geometry;
Seigle 208; Time: MWF 1pm-2pm
Textook: Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd ed., by
Barrett O'Neill
Instructor: Quo-Shin Chi; Office: Room 210, Cupples I
Office hours: MW, 5-6pm
We will cover the book as much as possible up to the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, while introducing the powerful differential
form technique of E.' Cartan along the way as a computational tool.
Except possibly for a couple of times, each homework assignment will be given on a Friday
and will be collected the next Friday in class.
We will have several homework assignments (30%), one take-home midterm exam (30%),
and the take-home final exam (40%). The midterm will be given after the Spring Break. The final will be due at 5pm on May 8, to be handed to me in my office.
The overall scores will be curved with letter grades given accordingly. The homework assignments and the two exams will be sent to you through email;
you should check email regularly to be on top of things.
Last but not least, leafing through the solution
manual when the homework is due will never get you to learn
mathematics; your mind's eye must take part in a decisive fashion. That
is, you must do mathematics by yourself.