Course: Math 4121, Introduction to Analysis
Class hours: MWF 11am-12pm
Classroom: January 110
Instructor: Quo-Shin Chi
Office: Room 210, Cupples I
Office Hours: MW 5-6pm
Textbook:  Mathematical Analysis, 2nd
ed., by Tom Apostol; The Elements of Integration, by Robert Bartle
We will cover parts of Chapters 8 and 9 and then 7 in Apostol before embarking on Lebesque integration theory
in Bartle. Afterwards, we will return briefly to Chapters 7, 8, 9 of Apostol to gain retrospect before we move into Chapter 15 of Apostol to prove the Change of
Variables formula for multi-variable integration. If time allows, we will cover Chapter 11 of Apostol to study Fourier Series and Fourier Integrals.
There will be homework assignments
(30%), one take-home midterm exam (30%) and the take-home final exam (40%). Each homework assignment will be given through email
on a Friday, except possibly for a couple of times, and it will be due the next Friday in class. You should check email regularly.
You can collaborate with your fellow students on homework assignments, though you must write up solutions in your own wording; identical papers are not
allowed. Also, you are not allowed to talk to your fellow students during the midterm and final exams. You can always talk to me and I will give you
appropriate hints to the assigned problems.