Course: Math 429,
Linear Algebra;
Classroom: Seigle 301; Time: MWF 12pm-1:00pm
Textook: Linear Algebra, 2nd ed., by K. Hoffman and R. Kunze
Instructor: Quo-Shin Chi; Office: Room 210, Cupples I
Office hours: MW 4-6pm
This proof-oriented course is a mathematically
sophisticated expansion of Math 309. I will aim at finishing the bulk
of the book, and hence I will assume without much repetition of what you
have already learned in Math
309. There will be several homework
assignments (30%), one take-home midterm exam (30%), and the in-class final exam (40%)
scheduled on Dec. 19, 10:30am-12:30pm. Each homework assignment and the midterm
will be given
on a Friday, via email, except possibly for a couple of exceptions, and it will be
due the next Friday in class, except possibly for a couple of exceptions. You should
check email regularly.