Matrix algebra and linear algebra really refer to the same subject. The term matrix algebra suggests a more concrete point of view for an introductory course: matrices are a useful computational tool in linear
algebra. You can get a treatment of the subject that is more theoretical (and more extensive) in Math 429 (Linear Algebra).
This course contains a
fair amount of computation to help understand the ideas and how they can be used
-- but do realize that these computations are much more "small-scale" than
often appear in real world applications where a lot of computing power
may be needed, even though the underlying mathematical ideas are exactly the
However, this course also involves more than cookbook calculations. It will require learning some new and more abstract
ideas. It will be important to actually learn some definitions
and statements of theorems, more so than for introductory
calculus classes. This may take some adjustment in your study
habits and point of view.
You can access the syllabus in two ways: by going directly to this web page, or by signing on to Blackboard
and opening up this course. You'll find links from there into this
syllabus. It's entirely up to you which way you get here.
Almost everything related to the course will be posted within the syllabus. The only exceptions are
i) scores for exams and written homework will be recorded directly into Blackboard and you'll need to view them there
ii) WebWorK scores can be viewed only from within WebWorK
iii) Important announcements, changes of plans, ..., will be sent to the class via email when necessary.
| Basic Information about the course |
The link for the course that you will open most frequently is
It will be updated a several times every week with assignments, supplementary materials, notes., ...
Integrity This
link gives the general University policies about academic integrity. Of course no communication or
collaboration in any form is allowed during an exam. See the earlier links about Homework and Exams for additional academic integrity information for this course.
Resources Related to Sexual Assault, Bias, and Mental Health
Feedback to Professor Freiwald. Of course, I'd really
prefer open
feedback and
discussion about the course. However,
this link is a way for students to offer suggestions and
comments anonymously. I'll keep this link here as long as it's
used used constructively. Of course, I'm not able to
respond to your
anonymous e-mail.