Linear Algebra, Fall 2016
- Zhenghui Huo, Cupples I, 107,
Classroom and Time
- Lab Sciences 250, MWF 12:00-1:00
Office Hour
- Tue 1-3pm, in my office : Cupples I 107
- Linear Algebra (2nd edition), by K. Hoffman and R. Kunze.
- This is a course about linear algebra. We will attempt to cover most of Chapters 1-8. I will expect that you are familiar with materials in Chapter 1 and 2.
- There will be weekly due homework sets. Homework is due every Friday at the beginning of the lecture.
- HW1:Page 5, problem 7, Page 10-11, problems 2,7, Page 15-16, problems 2, 10, Page 27, 10.
- HW2:Page 27, problem 1,2,9, Page 33, 3,4,6.
- HW3:Page 39, problem 1,4,5, Page 48, problem 2,5,7,10,11.
- HW4:Page 55, problem 4,5,6 Page 66, problem 2,3,7.
- There will be one midterm exam and one final exam. Midterm exam is on Oct. 21st. Final is on Dec. 21st, 10:30-12:30.
Grading scale
- Homework: 30%, Midterm 30%, Final: 40%.
- You are expected to take the exams at their scheduled times. If you are away because of a university sporting event or field trip, then you may arrange for your coach or professor to administer the exam. Excused absences may be granted in the case of illness or bereavement. The final exam date cannot be changed for reasons of traveling convenience.
- In total, we will collect 11 homework assignments. You are allowed to drop the lowest homework score.
- Letter grades will be given based on your overall score. The cutoffs for the various letter grades will be no higher than the following: