Elementary Probability and Statistics, Fall 2017
- Zhenghui Huo, Cupples I, 107, huo@math.wustl.edu
Classroom and Time
- Section 01: Brown 118, MWF 9:00am-10:00am
- Section 01: Brown 118, MWF 11:00am-12:00pm
Office Hour
- Wednesday 1-4pm and Thursday 12-4pm
Text and References
- We will use the lecture notes by Professor Blank,
which present the topics in the same order as in class. You can find the lecture notes and slides on Blackboard. Also, OpenIntro Statistics, 3rd Edition is a free textbook that can be downloaded online:
This book covers almost everything in the course. However, topics might be taught
in a different order in class. For reference, Data and Models by Richard De Veaux, Paul Velleman, and David Bock is a good option.
- Knowing contents from Math131 could be helpful, but it is not required for this class.
- This course is an elementary introduction to statistical concepts, reasoning and data analysis. Topics include statistical summaries and graphical presentations of data, discrete and continuous random variables, the logic of statistical inference, design of research studies, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. Students will learn a critical approach to reading statistical analyses reported in the media, and how to correctly interpret the outputs of common statistical routines for fitting models to data and testing hypotheses. A major objective of the course is to gain familiarity with basic R commands to implement common data analysis procedures. Students intending to pursue a major or minor in mathematics or wishing to take 400 level or above statistics courses should instead take Math 3200.
- There will be weekly due homework sets. Homework will be done through Crowdmark. In the first week of class, I will send an email inviting you to the crowdmark system. When a homework set is assigned, an email containing due date and homework submission link would be sent out to you from Crowdmark. You will need to use the link provided in the email to upload your scaned solution. After graders finishing grading, you will also receive an email with a link to view your graded homework and scores.
- The lowest homework score will be dropped.
- EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: Tests, at which attendance is required, will be given from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on September 13, October 11, and November 15. Final is on Dec. 14th, 3:30pm-5:30pm.
- Attendance at each of the three midterm exams and at the final exam is expected. Excused absences can be granted in cases of illness, bereavement, and, occasionally, circumstances beyond a student's control. In general, you must bring the matter to my attention before the exam so that you can be excused from it.
Grading scale
- Homework: 9%, Midterm 22% each, Final: 25%.
- You are allowed to drop the lowest homework score.
- Letter grades will be given based on your overall score. The cutoffs for the various letter grades will be no higher than the following:
A Range
B Range
C Range
D Range
Helping Resources
- Students with questions could come to my office during office hours. If the schedule doesn't work for you, you can make an appointment with me by sending an email.
- Graduate student TAs hold office hours in Calculus help room. A list of TAs that are able to help with R programming and Math2200 can be found here.