Instructor: Likai Chen (likai.chen[at]
Lectures: 2:00-2:50 p.m on M/W/F in Mallinckrodt 302
Office hour:
Krishna B. Athreya and Soumendra N.Lahiri
Measure Theory and Probability Theory
Thanks Soumendra N.Lahiri and Todd Kuffner for sharing
There will be one midterm and one final. All exams are closed book and closed note. No web-enabled devices may be used. One page (letter size and two-sided) note may be brought to exams. Calculators are allowed but not required.
Make-up exams are strongly discouraged. If you are aware of a conflict, please inform the instructor at least one week before the exam.
There will be hws about every two weeks throughout the semester. Homework is due on Thursday midnight. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Your grade will be based on homeworks, midterm and final exam.
Midterms | 35% |
Final | 35% |
Homework | 30% |
The threshold for each grade
A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C + | C | C - |
90 or above | 88-90 | 86-88 | 80-86 | 78-90 | 75-78 | 65-75 | 60-65 |