Étale cohomology seminar

Fall 2022 -- Spring 2023

Crow 205, 3:00-4:00 PM (Mondays and Fridays)

Date Speaker Title
Sep. 12 M. Kerr Introductory remarks/organization
Sep. 26 W. Li Étale morphisms
Oct. 3 W. Li Étale fundamental groups I
Oct. 14 M. Kerr Étale fundamental groups II
Oct. 17 M. Kerr Henselian rings and étale localization
Oct. 21 RJ Acuna Sites
Oct. 24 D. Akman Étale sheaves I
Oct. 28 D. Akman Étale sheaves II
Oct. 31 J. Yang The category of sheaves on the étale site, I
Nov. 4 J. Yang The category of sheaves on the étale site, II
Nov. 7 RJ Acuna Direct and inverse images, I
Nov. 11 RJ Acuna Direct and inverse images, II
Nov. 14 M. Kerr Sheaf cohomology, I
Nov. 21 M. Kumar Sheaf cohomology, II
Dec. 5 D. Akman Cech cohomology
Dec. 12
(on Zoom)
M. Kerr Spectral sequences and Cech cohomology
Jan. 27
(on Zoom)
W. Li Interpretation of H1, I
Jan. 30
(on Zoom)
W. Li Interpretation of H1, II
Feb. 6 M. Kerr Higher direct images
Feb. 10 D. Akman Weil divisor exact sequence I
Feb. 13 D. Akman Weil divisor exact sequence I
Feb. 17 RJ Acuna Cohomology of curves
Feb. 23 M. Kerr Poincare duality
Mar. 22 W. Li Brauer groups I
Mar. 27 W. Li Brauer groups II
Apr. 3 M. Kerr Cohomological dimension
Apr. 7 D. Akman Purity and the Gysin sequence
Apr. 10 RJ Acuna Proper base change
Apr. 10 RJ Acuna Proper base change
Apr. 21 M. Kerr Cohomology with compact support
Apr. 24 RJ Acuna Finiteness theorems
Apr. 28 M. Kerr Smooth base change
May 1 D. Akman Comparison theorems
May 5 Künneth formula
May 8
Room 215
Chern classes
May 12 Poincaré duality
May 15 Fixed-point formulas
May 19 Weil conjectures