Math 139A, Fall 2019
Applications of Mathematics
John E. McCarthy
Tu 10.00-11.00 in Cupples I, Rm 218
class on November 19; we will have class November 26
JM Office
105 Cupples I
JM Office Hours M 4.00-5.00,
Tu 11.00-12.00,
Th. 2.30-3.30, and by appointment
Math 131, taken concurrently
Mathematics can often seem intimidatingly abstract.
"Why do we need to know this?" and "What is this good for?" are
questions, which sometimes are not adequately answered.
It is all very well to say that mathematics is needed for cell-phone
design, or
to make ultrasound images, or for Google to calculate page-rank; but
exactly how it is used in any of these applications takes a great deal
ot time.
The purpose of this course is to give examples of how mathematics can
be used to
understand real world problems. It is aimed at students who are also
enrolled in Calculus I, Math 131,
so we will start with problems that only need pre-calculus to solve,
and work up to ones that use
Do I need to be a math wiz to take this course?
No. The course is for students who are curious about how mathematics is
and want some inkling of its scope.
Here is a tentative schedule. The first seven do not use calculus,
the next six do.
We may change some of these topics.
Basis for Grading
Grading will be based on classrooom participation, and a term paper.
The topic of the term paper should be chosen in consultation with the
A preliminary draft should be handed in October 29th. This will be
graded and returned,
and a final version should be handed in December 3rd.
Classroom Participation (contribution to discussion): 20%
Term Paper - first draft: 30%
Term Paper - final draft: 50%
I do expect you to come to class every day, and to participate in
class discussions.
I expect you to read the corresponding section in Korner's book.
I may call on you at
any time to answer a question.
Texts The Pleasures of Counting,
by T.W. Korner (Cambridge, 1996).
This is a lovely book. If you get
bogged down in some section, it is okay to move on.