Math 302: Elementary Geometry from an advanced point of view
Texts The Four Pillars of Geometry by John Stillwell. We will cover the material of Chapters 1-5 and Chapters 7-8.
Prerequisites Math 310 or permission of instructor.
Instructor Professor Rachel Roberts
Send email to Prof. Roberts at
Office Cupples I 106, 935-8527
Office Hours TBA, in my office: Cupples I, 106
Meeting Time and Place. MWF 3-4 pm
Homework. There will be weekly homework sets, due Fridays at 5 pm. Homework due dates will be strict; however, I will drop the two lowest homework scores.
You may work with classmates on the homework. However, you must write up your answers individually, and credit your collaborators.
The more problems you work through the better!!! I encourage you to do more than just the problems assigned as homework.
Exams There will be two exams: a take-home midterm exam due on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, and a take-home final exam due on December 12, 2014.
Grading System Your grade will be based on the following.
Homework |
30% |
In-class Work |
10% |
Midterm Exam |
25% |
Final Exam |
35% |
Students taking the course with the "Credit/No Credit" ("Pass/Fail") grading option must earn a grade of "D" or better to receive a "pass".
Any students taking the course on an "audit" basis should talk with the instructor to determine what criteria will be used to award a grade of "successful audit."