Math 430 Spring 2016
Lectures: MWF
12:10pm-1:00pm Lopata 229
Instructor: Songhao Li Office: 207A Cupples I
Office Phone: (314)935-4208 email: sli (at) math (dot) wustl (dot) edu
Office Hours: Wednesday 1:30pm-2:30pm, Friday 2pm-4pm
TA: Gong Cheng
Office Hours: Thursday 2pm-5pm, Lopata 323 (Calculus Help
Course Webpage:
Textbook: A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7ed by John B. Fraleigh
Suggested: Abstract
Algebra, 3ed by Dummit and Foote
Note: Dummit-Foote is a big book, and we will not use it much for this course.
However, Dummit-Foote is becoming the standard textbook for the graduate qualifying courses.
you plan to do graduate studies in mathematics, it might be worthwhile
to purchase Dummit-Foote early rather than later.
To be discussed in the first class...
We could follow one of two plans:
1. To lay a solid foundation for basic concepts, complemented with standard examples.
2. To aim a direct path towards the Galois theory and the insolvability of the Quintic.
some discussion, we will follow Plan 1.
There will be weekly homework.
In addtion, we will have two in-class tests, and a final exam.
course point grade will calculated as follows:
Homework 20%
Test 1 20%
Test 2 20%
Exam 40%
you get the average point grade for the course, you will be guarenteed
a B+.
how the class performs, the grading scheme might be more generous.
Prelimenarily, we have the following test dates:
Test 1: Feb 29, Monday
Test 2: April 11, Monday
Final Exam: TBA
Print the homework sheet and use it as the cover sheet.
Write your student number and your name clearly on the cover sheet.
Please use letter sized papers only, and remember to staple your homework.
Anyone who fail to do this will be subjected to a 10% penalty.
In addition, there is also a no non-sense bonus of 10%.
If your entire homework has absolutely no mistakes, then you will receive a 10% bonus.
This includes typos, spelling errors, grammatical errors and a reasonable standard of tidiness.
Jim Crowder's solutions
Disclaimer: I have not proofread Jim's solution, and I am not responsible for any typos and mistakes.