Math 5043 Spring 2015
Lectures: MWF 11am-12noon Room 207 Cupples I
Instructor: Songhao Li Office: 207A Cupples I
Phone: (314)935-4208 email:
Office Hour: MW 1pm-2pm or by appointment
Grader: Chris Cox
Course Webpage:
Textbook: Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher
We will cover most, if not all, of the following topics:
-- Fundamental group;
-- Homology
If time permits, which is not likely the case, we will also cover selected topics in cohomology.
Homework 20%
Test 1 (Feb 16) 20%
Test 2 (Mar 23) 20%
Final (May 4) 40%
Note: For those of who will write the final exam as the department qualifying exam for geometry, the exam will be 3 hours, instead of 2 hours.
Morevoer, the qualifying exam will cover topics that is covered in Math 5041 in Fall 2014.