Example R programs and commands 13. Estimating, sampling and plotting bivariate densities # All lines preceded by the "#" character are my comments. # All other left-justified lines are my input. # All other indented lines are the R program output. ##### ESTIMATING the mean and covariance of a bivariate normal from samples # Read 17 samples from a bivariate normal density: # x1 x2 i (of 17 samples) #---------- ---------- -- data <- scan() 1.033024 0.418857 1 0.322703 0.613913 2 -1.949918 0.505329 3 -3.910608 0.081451 4 -1.163915 0.904262 5 -4.944068 -0.086801 6 0.936824 0.889408 7 -2.697000 0.185941 8 -1.484696 0.318464 9 -2.969133 -0.019170 10 -0.565761 0.682739 11 0.314755 0.010014 12 3.181993 0.862641 13 -0.816990 0.440558 14 -2.053569 0.444235 15 -0.311087 0.797796 16 -1.131430 0.522798 17 # Impose structure: 3 columns (x1, x2, i) with 17 rows of data triplets. x123 <- matrix(data, ncol=3, byrow=T); x123 # NOTE: R fills columns first by default, in the top-to-bottom then # left-to-right order. Use byrow=TRUE (or byrow=T) to fill by rows. # Extract the first two (data) columns, omitting the third (index i) column, # giving default names to the rows and columns: x<- data.frame(x123[,1:2]); x # Calculate the mean of the columns: eMu <- colMeans(x); eMu # Compute the sum-of-squares matrix and divide by the number of degrees # of freedom (number of samples less one) to get the covariance matrix: # using R's covariance function: eSig <- cov(x); eSig # Find the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) of the covariance matrix: eigen(eSig) ## The result is estimates for the mean (mu) and covariance (Sigma) ## parameters of the bivariate normal density that produced the ## original samples. ##### GENERATE random samples with the estimated mean and covariance: ## Use the function mvrnorm() after adding the MASS package to R: library("MASS") # perhaps after 'install.packages("MASS")' n <- 17 # since there are 17 old samples sim <- mvrnorm(n, mu=eMu, Sigma=eSig); all <- rbind(x,sim) # concatenate the old and new points. blackred <- gl(2,n,2*n) # color labels: 1=black, 2=red plot(all, col=blackred) # compare old and new samplings ## Alternative: obtain random samples with the same covariance directly by ## factoring the covariance matrix to find the right rotation: library("mgcv") # load the matrix square root function from its library y<- rbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n)) # two rows of indep N(0,1) coordinates new <- mroot(eSig)%*%y + eMu # mix the coordinates to get new points new <- t(new) # ...and transpose to get one new point per row all <- rbind(x,new) # concatenate the old and new points. blackred <- gl(2,n,2*n) # color labels: 1=black, 2=red plot(all, col=blackred) # compare old and new samplings # The covariance of the 'new' samples should approximate 'cov(x)' but # is almost certain to be different: cov(new) # covariance of the new points cov(x) # covariance of the old points ##### PLOT a bivariate normal density from its formula. ## Use "contour()" and "persp()" after producing samples # Use the function "bvnpdf()" defined on the class website under LINKS source("bvnpdf.R") # after downloading into your R folder,... #... or cut and paste it into your R session # Generate x,y coordinates for a (square) grid of points to evaluate: x<-seq(-7,7,by=0.1); y<-x; # Evaluate "bvnpdf()" at the grid of points: z<-bvnpdf(x,y,mu=eMu, Sigma=eSig ); # Perspective plot of the graph in (x,y,z): persp(x,y,z) # Contour plot of the graph in (x,y,z): contour(x,y,z) ##### Multiple bivariate normal plots # Set the plotting range for this example: x<-seq(-7,7,by=0.1); y<-x; # Generate two covariance matrices Sig1 <- matrix(c(1,1,1,2),nrow=2); Sig1 Sig2 <- matrix(c(1,-1,-1,2),nrow=2); Sig2 # Two different means: mu1 <- c(-1,-1); mu2 <- c(2,2); # Corresponding bivariate pdfs: # Different covariances, different means: f1 <- bvnpdf(x,y,mu=mu1, Sigma=Sig1); f2 <- bvnpdf(x,y,mu=mu2, Sigma=Sig2); # Individual contour plots: contour(x,y,f1) contour(x,y,f2) # Superposed contour plots show imperfect separation: contour(x,y, f1+f2) # Same covariance but different means: f3 <- bvnpdf(x,y,mu=mu1, Sigma=Sig2) # Individual contour plots: contour(x,y,f2) contour(x,y,f3) # Superposed contour plots show better separation: contour(x,y, f2+f3)