One way to implement Algorithm 1 on p.51: [Corrected 2011-09-13, thanks to EF. MVW] 1. Start Matlab. 2. Write or obtain from the textbook's web site the M-file "fixpt.m" containing the function definition text of Program 2.1 on p.49. 3. Create a new M-file "g.m" containing the text function y=g(x) y=(6+x)^.5 4. Set the values p0, tol, max1 as required at the Matlab prompt ">>". 5. Type >> fixpt(@g, p0, tol, max1) Note the @ sign before g. This tells Matlab to look for a function named g, which it will find in a file named 'g.m' in the search path, beginning with the current folder. You can also type >> [k,p,err,P] = fixpt(@g, p0, tol, max1) to get more output.