Hodge Theory, Moduli, and Representation Theory

Focused Research Group, June 1 2014 -- July 31 2017

Principal Investigators

PI institution relevant expertise
Patrick Brosnan University of Maryland perverse sheaves, Hodge and D-modules; motives; admissible normal functions
Matt Kerr Washington University in St. Louis period domains, automorphic cohomology; Hodge-theoretic invariants of algebraic cycles
Radu Laza Stony Brook University moduli/symmetric spaces, compactifications; special classes of varieties (K3, C-Y)
Gregory Pearlstein Texas A&M University degenerating variations of Hodge structures; normal functions and singularities
Colleen Robles Texas A&M University homogeneous spaces and Lie theory; Schubert varieties; differential geometry

Current Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

member institution advisor
Souvik Goswami TAMU (from Fall 2017) G. Pearlstein (postdoc)
Xue Ke U. Maryland P. Brosnan
Kevin Kordek Texas A&M G. Pearlstein (postdoc)
Muxi Li WUSTL M. Kerr
Swarnava Mukhopadhyay U. Maryland P. Brosnan (postdoc)
Giulia Sacca Stony Brook R. Laza (postdoc)
Tokio Sasaki WUSTL M. Kerr
Yu Yang WUSTL M. Kerr
Letao Zhang Stony Brook R. Laza (postdoc)
Zheng Zhang Texas A&M G. Pearlstein (postdoc)

Past Students and Postdocs

name FRG advisor current institution
Genival da Silva Jr. Kerr Imperial College London
Ryan Keast Kerr University of Toronto