Math 2200 Spring, 2014
Elementary Probability and Statistics
Lectures: Section 1, MWF 11:10-12 Brown 118; Section 2, MWF 1:10-2 Brown 118
Final Exam: Thursday, May 1, 3:30-5:30pm Seating
Final Exam Office Hour: Tuesday April 29 2:00pm-4:00pm, Wednesday April 30 2:00pm-4:00pm
Final Exam Additional Information:
1. You will be allowed a double-sided letter-sized 8.5x11 notecard.
2. The final exam will have an emphasis on materials after Test 3. Expect about 2/3 of the problems on materials after Test 3.
3. The format is similar to Test 3.
Letter Grades have now been posted.
These are based on the point grade, which equals the maximum of
(T1+T2+T3+F)/4 and (T1+T2+T3+2xF)/5
Exempted tests/exam are calculated using linear regression on the z-scores of the remaining tests/exam.
The HARD cutoffs are as follows:
95-100 A+
90-94.9 A
85-89.9 A-
80-84.9 B+
75-79.9 B
68-74.9 B-
63-67.9 C+
58-62.9 C
53-57.9 C-
48-52.9 D+
Instructor: Songhao Li Office: 207A Cupples I
Phone: 314-935-4208 email:
Office Hour: Mondays 2:30-4, Thursdays 11-12
Grader: Yiqian Fang and Junior Genival Fernandes da Silva
Course Webpage:
Textbook: Stats: Data and Models 3ed by De Veaux, Velleman and Bock
This is an introductory course in statistics and the underlying probability theory supporting it.
The goal is to provide a basic sense of statistical modeling and inference as well as the ability to perform basic statistical analysis of real-world data.
We will cover the entire textbook.
Course Evaluation:
Test 1 - 7pm-9pm Tuesday February 4
Test 2 - 7pm-9pm Tuesday March 4
Test 3 - 7pm-9pm Tuesday April 8
Final - (pending confirmation) 3:30pm-5:30pm Thursday May 1
You will need the a graphing calculator with statistial functions, such as TI-83 or TI-84.
Each test and the final are graded out of 100. The course point grade is the higher number between
T1 x 0.25 + T2 x 0.25 + T3 x 0.25 + F x 0.25
T1 x 0.20 + T2 x 0.20 + T3 x 0.20 + F x 0.4
At the end of the semester, this point grade is converted to a letter grade as follows,
A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69,
with the plus and minus at the tops and bottoms of these ranges.
If you are registered pass/fail, you must achieve at least 70 to pass.
Midterm Update:
Note I have "scaled up" the midterm grades. I may do further changes as appropriate to the final grade.
A: 90-100, B: 75-89, C: 60-74, D: 50-59
In Test 3 and the final, you will be allowed a 4x6 notecard.
Voluntary Submission:
receive feedback faster, you may print your WUSTL email address and
write on the front side of each piece of paper only. The grader will email you
the scanned copies.
Feb 21: From Randomness to Probability Ch 14. 12, 13, 16, 18, 31, 42
Feb 21: Probability Models Ch 17. 30, 34, 41, 43, 50, 52
To claim the exams: Room 12 (basement) of Cupples I, 12-4pm Friday Mar 7
Apr 8: Test 3 Seating
To claim the
exams: Room 12 (basement) of Cupples I, 12-4pm Friday April 10
Apr 11: Inferences for Regression continued... Ch 27. 21, 22, 24, 32, 43, 44
Apr 18: Mutiple Regression Ch 30. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9
Final Exam See top of the page