Large collections without a pattern
I wrote a short description for The COnversation of some work of Jordan Ellenberg and engineers from Google’s Deepmind on looking for large collections that
Conferences – an Owner’s Manual
I have just attended my first in-person conferences since the start of COVID. They form a critical part of our profession, so I decided to
Movie – The Prime Number Theorem
Three students in my Complex Analysis Class, Luke Seaton, Jake Garcia and Rachel Wu, made a movie on the (dramatized form of the) proof of
Book Review: In Pursuit of Zeta-3 by Paul Nahin
To appear in Irish Maths Soc. Bulletin When I was a young mathematician, Henry Helson gave me some excellent advice. “Every mathematician should study the
Effect of Vaccinations on R_0 – With graphs
How do vaccinations reduce R_0?
What does it take to achieve herd immunit?
What is the effect of requiring vaccination?
How effective would requiring vaccinations to attend an event be?
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