Instructor: Matt Kerr Office: Cupples I, Room 114 e-mail: matkerr [at] Office Hours: 4:30-5:30 Monday, 3-4 Tuesday, 3-4 Friday TA: Philip Benge e-mail: benge [at] Calc help room hours: 4-5 Tuesday (in Lopata 323) Review session hours: 3-4 Monday (in Eads 215), 4-5 Thursday (in Cupples I Room 113) Prerequisites: Math 132 (Calculus II), or a score of 4-5 on the AP Exam (Calculus BC) Class Schedule: Lectures are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Rebstock 215, from 11-12 (section 1) and 1-2 (section 2). Class begins on Wednesday Jan. 20th and ends with a final exam review class on Friday April 29th. Spring break is the week of March 14th. Midterm Exam 1: Tuesday, February 9, 7-9 PM Review packet  + solutions / Exam 1 solutions Midterm Exam 2: Tuesday, March 8, 7-9 PM Review packet  + solutions / Exam 2 solutions Midterm Exam 3: Tuesday, April 12, 7-9 PM Review packet + solutions  / Exam 3 solutions Final Exam: Thursday, May 5, 3:30-5:30 PM Practice Final Exam + Solutions, Review suggestions  / Final Exam solutions Regarding missed exams, see the Grading Policy section below. Neither notes nor calculators are allowed, but the exams will not be computationally heavy. The final is cumulative, i.e. covering up through section 16.6. To find your room and seat assignment for an exam, click here on exam day, or go to For exam score lookup (on the day after the exam), use this link. (Note that for exam 1, this will not reflect the correction to the Crow 201 exam scoring. Instead see blackboard.) Copies of old exams are maintained at this link. Textbook: James Stewart, Calculus (8th Ed., looseleaf, w/Webassign access), Cengage Learning, 2015. We will cover most of Chapters 12-16. The publisher maintains a webpage for Stewart's Calculus with lots of helpful and interesting links. Course Syllabus: This is an introductory course in multivariable calculus. You can expect a mild amount of abstraction, but the emphasis is on topics which are useful in science and engineering. My goal is for each of you to come away in 15 weeks with a good understanding of: Assignments: We will use Webassign for the weekly homework, which is usually due each Tuesday (at 11:59 PM!), covering the previous week's lectures. The exception is (midterm) exam weeks, on which HW is due Monday (at 11:59 PM), and the exam is Tuesday evening. My office hours and the TA's review sessions are chosen with this schedule in mind, and we are there to help. If you are new to Webassign, see this student support webpage. At the beginning of the course, you will need to enter the class key here. For routine Webassign login (to work on homework), click here. The first assignment is due Tuesday January 26. Lectures: In the calendar below I will post brief summaries of each lecture, containing the key ideas and formulas, which should help when reading the text or preparing for exams. They are not meant to substitute for the lectures, which will not be posted in their entirety. The section(s) I plan to cover in each lecture are displayed in the table. Not all the sections indicated will be covered in full. Calendar:
Additional Resources: Here is a list of resources for help with calculus: Grading Policy: Webwork and Midterm Exams 1, 2, and 3 are worth 15% each; the Final Exam is worth 40%. I will drop your lowest 2 HW scores. Grades will be kept track of on blackboard, with the exception of Webassign which will be entered as a block score at the end of the course. (In the meantime, Webassign will keep track of your WW scores.) If you have to miss a midterm exam for a legitimate reason, you will be given an excused absence for that exam, and your grade will be calculated from the homework and other taken exams. Of course verified illness and serious family emergency are legitimate reasons. Regarding other conflicts, e-mail me as soon as you know about them. Verified illness and serious family emergency are in general the only acceptable reasons for missing the final exam. In this event, you will be given a makeup exam. To have any excused absence approved, please contact Blake Thornton (blake [at] and cc me in the e-mail. In general, credit will be given for late homework only in the event of illness or emergency. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with other students (calculators are of course also allowed). This link takes you to the standard university policies on academic integrity. |