Calculus II

Spring 2018

Instructor: Matt Kerr
Office: Cupples I, Room 114
e-mail: matkerr [at]
Office Hours: 9-10 Mo; 1-2 Tu; 3-4 Th

Assistants: Yiqian Fang, Chris Felder, Luis Garcia German
e-mail: yiqianfang, cfelder, garciagerman [at]
(The assistants run the discussion sections.)
Calc help room hours

Prerequisites: Math 131 (Calculus I), or a grade of B or better in a 1-year high-school Calculus course

Class Schedule:

Lectures are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wilson 214, from 10-11 (section 1) and 11-12 (section 2). Class begins on Wednesday Jan. 17th and ends with a final exam review class on Friday April 27th. Spring break is the week of March 11th.

Exam Schedule:

Midterm Exam 1: Tuesday, January 30, 6:30-8:30 PM,
      (covers sections 4.9 and 5.1-2) solutions
Midterm Exam 2: Tuesday, March 6, 6:30-8:30 PM,
      (covers sections 5.3-5, 6.1-5, and 7.1-5) solutions
Midterm Exam 3: Tuesday, April 10, 6:30-8:30 PM,
      (covers sections 7.8, 8.1,2,5, and 11.1-4) solutions
Final Exam: Friday, May 4, 10:30 AM -- 12:30 PM solutions

Regarding missed exams, see the Grading Policy section below. Neither notes nor calculators are allowed, but the exams will not be computationally heavy. The final is cumulative.

To find your room and seat assignment for an exam, click here on exam day, or go to

For exam score lookup (on the day after the exam), use this link.

Copies of old exams are maintained at this link.

Discussion section schedule:

You will meet with your Instructor's Assistant every Tuesday (starting with the first Tuesday of class). In these meetings, you will learn new material and topics as well as work on problem solving. Come to these meetings prepared by doing your homework. You will have group work to do that will be graded and part of your grade. (We will drop two of these in the calculation of the grade.)

Session Building Room Time Instructor
A Cupples II 200 8-9 AM Fang
B Cupples II 200 9-10 AM Fang
C Lopata 229 9-10 AM Garcia German
D Cupples II 200 10-11 AM Felder
E Cupples II 200 11AM-12PM Felder
F Ridgley 219 11AM-12PM Garcia German
G Cupples II 200 12-1 PM Felder
H Ridgley 219 12-1 PM Garcia German

Groupwork solutions: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13


James Stewart, Calculus: early transcendentals (8th Ed.), Cengage Learning, 2016.

We will cover most of Chapters 5,6,7,8, and 11. The publisher maintains a webpage for Stewart's Calculus with lots of helpful and interesting links.

Note: Since all our homework will be online, you may use an earlier edition of Stewart if you can get that more cheaply than the 8th edition.

Course Syllabus:

This is a continuation of Calculus I (Math 131). You can expect a mild amount of abstraction, but the emphasis is on topics which are useful in science and engineering. My goal is for each of you to come away in 15 weeks with a good understanding of:

  • The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (relating differentiation and integration)
  • Techniques of integration (u-substitution, integration by parts, partial fractions, etc.)
  • Applications of the definite integral (areas and volumes, probability, etc.)
  • Limits of sequences and sums of infinite series, especially Taylor series

  • Assignments:

    We will use Webwork for the weekly homework, which is usually due each Tuesday (at 11:59 PM!), covering the previous week's lectures. The exception is (midterm) exam weeks, on which HW is due Monday (at 11:59 PM), and the exam is Tuesday evening.

    My office hours and the problem sessions are chosen with this schedule in mind, and we are there to help.

    If you are new to Webwork, see this introduction.

    The first of your 13 Webwork assignments is due Tuesday January 23. To access them, log in to Blackboard and click on the course name, then go to "Content". You will find a Webwork link there.


    In the calendar below I will post my notes for each lecture (usually the night before that class), which should help when reading the text or preparing for exams. Click on the "Lec X" link to access them.

    The section(s) I plan to cover in each lecture are displayed in the table. Not all the sections indicated will be covered in full. Click on the bracketed section for suggested problems in the text (optional, but helpful) to supplement your webwork.

    Lectures will feature a "clicker" component in order for me to check your understanding. (We'll avoid actual clickers: you'll just use your phone or laptop and it will be web-based.)

    Week of ... Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Jan. 15 (week 1) MLK HOLIDAY Lec 1
    Lec 2
    Jan. 22 (week 2) Lec 3
    HW 1 Lec 4
    Lec 5
    Jan. 29 (week 3) Lec 6
    HW 2
    EXAM 1 Lec 7
    Lec 8
    Feb. 5 (week 4) Lec 9
    HW 3 Lec 10
    Lec 11
    Feb. 12 (week 5) Lec 12
    HW 4 Lec 13
    Lec 14
    Feb. 19 (week 6) Lec 15
    HW 5 Lec 16
    Lec 17
    Feb. 26 (week 7) Lec 18
    HW 6 Lec 19
    Lec 20
    Mar. 5 (week 8) Lec 21
    HW 7
    EXAM 2 Lec 22
    Lec 23
    Mar. 12 (week 9)
    Mar. 19 (week 10) Lec 24
    HW 8 Lec 25
    Lec 26
    Mar. 26 (week 11) Lec 27
    HW 9 Lec 28
    Lec 29
    Apr. 2 (week 12) Lec 30
    HW 10 Lec 31
    Lec 32
    Apr. 9 (week 13) Lec 33
    HW 11
    EXAM 3 Lec 34
    Lec 35
    Apr. 16 (week 14) Lec 36
    HW 12 Lec 37
    Lec 38
    Apr. 23 (week 15) Lec 39
    Lec 40
    Lec 41 [REVIEW]
    HW 13

    Additional Resources:

    Here is a list of resources for help with calculus:

  • Instructor's office hours (see top of page)
  • TA's office hours in Calculus Help Room and review sessions (see top of page)
  • Cornerstone Math Help, available in Cornerstone and on the South 40
  • PLTL (Peer-Led team Learning): students who wish to participate must sign up at the beginning of the semester
  • Engineering student services (tutoring for EN students)
  • There is a list of math tutors available in the main office of the Mathematics Department (Cupples I Room 100): 935-6760
  • Link to old Math 132 exams
  • Stewart Calculus website
  • Link to RPM (Residential Peer Mentoring) calendar
  • Calculus advice from your RPMs

  • Grading Policy:

    Group work (in discussion sections) and Midterm Exam 1 are worth 10% each; Webwork and Midterm Exams 2 and 3 are worth 15% each; and the Final Exam is worth 35%. I will drop your lowest 2 groupwork and lowest 2 webwork scores.

    Curving and grade scale: In the event that the average score on any exam is less than 75%, all exam scores will be adjusted upward by adding a constant to everyone's score (so that the average is 75%). No adjustment is made if the average is above 75%. The grade scale is as follows:

    A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F
    TBA 90+ [85,90) [80,85) [75,80) [70,75) [65,70) [60,65) [55,60) [50,55) [0,50)

    The Pass/Fail policy is that you must get at least a C- to earn a "Pass".

    Grades will be kept track of on blackboard, with the exception of Webwork which will be entered as block scores at the end of the course. (In the meantime, Webwork will keep track of your HW scores.)

    If you have to miss a midterm exam for a legitimate reason, you will be given an excused absence for that exam, and your grade will be calculated from the homework and other taken exams. Of course verified illness and serious family emergency are legitimate reasons. Regarding other conflicts, e-mail me as soon as you know about them.

    Verified illness and serious family emergency are in general the only acceptable reasons for missing the final exam. In this event, you will be given a makeup exam.

    To have any excused absence approved, please contact Blake Thornton (bthornton [at] and cc me in the e-mail.

    In general, credit will be given for late Webwork only in the event of illness or emergency.

    This link takes you to the standard university policies on academic integrity.